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aria andrus

becca dickson

claudia harvey

kelly mobley

mandi buchanan

melanie call


Our Project was Featured in Scrapbooks Etc., December 2011 Quality DigiScrap Freebies


new release 9.20

sorry I've been missing lately... I thought I'd have all kinds of time once the kids were in school, but I seem to be finding tons of stuff to do with that extra time!  lol.  Like the luxury of clothes shopping while able to try things on at the store & peruse clearance sales, or spend a morning having coffee & conversation with a good friend... without kids.  I'm sure the newness of this will wear off soon, so I'm just enjoying ;)  anyway, I have a new paper kit for you today...

by {claudia harvey}

by {becca dickson}

by {shelley haganman}

remember, this kit will be 30% off just today.  also, you can get 20% off anything in my shop until the end of September using code ThanksFor2 {the T & F ar caps} at checkout in appreciation of all of you & celebrating my 2nd year at DHD! 

have a great day... I'll try not to be such a stranger!



new release 9.6

Thursday already? yay! It's been a bit since I've had a new release on Thursday & hoping to be able to make it more consistent since the kids are back in school now...

I've included all 50 states & few blanks as well.

by {claudia harvey}

by {shelley haganman}

by {jennifer hignite}

by {shelley haganman}

by {becca dickson}

hope you're having a great week! we've finally gotten in a full day of school today, after most every day since the kids started 2 weeks ago being cut short by heat.  hopefully it keeps up!  tomorrow Dan & I are headed to St Louis to take my parents to a Cardinals game {it was a birthday gift to my dad & a gift for Dan for his birthday, that's coming up in a few days}.  Unfortunately, it's looking like rain is most definitely in the forecast.  I'm hoping we can still get at least part of the game in, otherwise, I guess we'll just have to wine n dine the parents in one of our favorite towns!  have a great weekend!



New dollar kits 9.4

hey, I'm back again to let you know I have 2 new dollar kits in the shop today...

by {claudia harvey}

by {becca dickson}

by {shelley haganman}

by {robyn meierotto}

you can get these two kits for a just a dollar for the next few days, after that they'll return to regular price! enjoy!



September House Party

I'm a few days late on this post, but thought I'd let you know about what's going on for the September House Party... I personally picked the palette for the party this month {wow, that's lots of P's}.

by {claudia harvey}

by {shannon dombkowski}

by {robyn meierotto}

did I mention that we now have all 3 of our kids in school all day? {well, if it would stop being so hot... they've been having early outs because of the heat since they started}.  It's a bit of a shock, a bit of a relief, but I'm definitely looking forward to their usual routine & my new routine {once I get into the groove}.  How cute are they, though in their school uniforms?  Collin is now in 8th grade, Evan in 5th grade & Lydia is in Kindergarten. She's been the easiest transition into school so far {besides the tired crankiness I knew would happen for the first few weeks after the full days}.  She loves her teacher & keeping her busy is a very good thing.  The boys seem to have transitioned well this year, too & hoping this is a good sign of how the year will progress {fingers crossed}.  I hope your kids are off to a smooth start too.




new dollar kit 8.26

hey everyone! just wanted to pop in with a new dollar kit I have up in the shop today! I think you'll like it... fun & can be used over & over in so many different ways...

by {shelley haganman}

by {shannon dombkowski}

by {claudia harvey}

love how the girls used these in different ways! pick them up for just a dollar from today til the end of August, along with all the other dollar kits I released this month. 

hope you're having a great weekend... I'm spending a little time today trying to familiarize myself with a new design toy... a Bamboo Create tablet :)  Hoping to create some good stuff with it!
